I’m a mathematician by training. I studied from 2011 until 2021 at the Radboud University in the Netherlands. During my studies I specialized in Stochastics with particular attention payed to Learning Theory. Stochastics is the studies of randomized processes and systems. In this sense it encompasses probability theory and statistics, but also goes beyond to processes such as stock market models, forest models and disease patterns. Of a particular interest to me was AI (artificial intelligence) and I’ve devoted my master thesis to that subject.

I have become particularly interested in:

  • Online Learning Theory
  • Statistics
  • Machine Learning in Practice
  • Quantum Computation
  • Possibility Theory

Following my studies I have worked for a short time as a Mendix developer, figured that pure coding wasn’t for me and doubled down on getting the practical skills needed for Data Science. Currently I am unemployed and looking for work in the data sector.

In my data science efforts I have started working on time series models, text-generation models and image restoration. In maintaining this blog I hope to share some of my findings with the world, particularly with those interested in advancing data science and its relation with mathematics. I hope you’ll find here something to your liking!!

In my free time I’m also developing models for world simulation. I have a great liking for fantasy worlds and, particularly those of Tolkien, Pratchett and Martin, and real world events such as the second punic war and both world wars. Inspired by these great writers and events I seek to apply my natural skills to create my own literary world, which led to me designing and developing various models for simulating part of such a world. This includes geography (done), climate (done), biology (on hold), economy (in progress), geopolitics (in progress), culture (in progress), language (in progress), and perhaps more in the future.

I also try my hand at poetry, writing and image manipulation. In poetry I’m often inspired by deeply personal feelings or by video games. My original work is usually about emotional extremes, about the fear of desolation, the loss of a lover, or the turmoil of unrequited love. For my video game poems I usually work of a template. I use a wide range of poets for my templates, T.S. Eliot, Byron, Snorri Sturluson, angle-saxon poems, or just some poems I find online. Every tuesday evening I stream for friends and I post one of these poems just before I start.

In writing I’m greatly inspired by various writers. I love the mythology of Tolkien, the philosophical dynamics in Star Wars, the interaction between politics and magic in Game of Thrones, the humour of Pratchett. In writing styles I’m also greatly inspired by many older authors, such as Emily Brontë, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as many mythological stories of the Norse, Finnish, Greek, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese.

Finally, with image manipulation I write custom filters based on mathematical insight to create from a photo an image which is dynamic and weird. The idea of the filters is that you apply a transformation on the image as a whole instead of doing things by hand in photoshop. Thus there is no pencil drawing, snipping or layer manipulation going on. Instead every image can be seen as one complicated mathematical formula applied on the whole image. This is my way of making mathematics come to life in which few people have ever seen before.