
Hi! I’m Baer a mathematician and data nerd with a passion for art. I’ve studied mathematics for nine years. During my studies I developed an interest in learning theory and extracting knowledge from data; not just statistics but also possibility theory. I’ve also found a great love for the arts; music, storytelling, poetry.

On this website you can find my blogs as well as some of my art. It’s a display of some of my ideas and endeavors that I think deserve to be out there but I haven’t found a suitable place and audience for.

You can find relevant blog posts and info via the menu. Particularly, go to

  • I have wings and I must fly: for software tool related blogs. Here you’ll find information on various software tools used in the data community.
  • Data Sorcery: for data related blog posts. Here you’ll find models and data science projects.
  • Mathemagics: for mathematical related posts. Here you’ll find discussions of mathematics as well as some mathematical relevant posts.
  • Artistry: for some art projects that I’ve been working on. Particularly, images and poetry.
  • Mathematics and Art: for some blog posts on modeling literature in a mathematical way.
  • Personal Blogs: for some thoughts concerning my personal philosophy, hobby projects or whatever else I cannot fit in the other categories.
  • About: for a short summary about who I am.

Recent Posts

The Dragon

Now will I in another song make known, Reveal in words, with verse-craft, from my mind About a race of reptile, the mighty dragon. He often is found fierce a...

Colors over Vimy Ridge

Seeing the monument at Vimy Ridge was truly an awe inspiring experience. A huge white tower sticking out of the ground. Adorned with the names of the fallen ...

Mean Computation via Online Algorithms

Online learning theory has become one of my favorite subjects during my masters. Online learning happens via online algorithms which calculate or estimate so...